
How to Keep Your Heating and Power Bill Lower in Winter


Wintertime is a tough time for bills. We have Holidays to prepare (and spend) for, and we have increased electric bills due to the cost of heating. We have some tips on how to keep your power bill low as possible. While they won't reduce your power bill to zero, our tips can help you save on your power bill.

20 Helpful Tips to Make Moving Easier


Whether you're moving across town or across the country, it can be a hassle. But there are proven ways to minimize confusion, stress and damage when you relocate. If you find yourself moving to a new house or apartment any time soon, here are 20 helpful tips that can make the move easier:

Ways to Beautify Your Rental Property


How To Decorate Rental Property
For starters, the choice between renting or buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make, therefore, it is important to weigh both the positives and negatives of each option. Renting gives you the flexibility to move around easier if circumstances such as a new job or family emergency were to take place than if you were to try selling your home in order to move.

Your Pocket Guide to Renters Insurance

If you rent your home or plan to rent a home in the future, you need to do some research on Renter’s Insurance. We’ll give you a start here with the basics.According to industry experts, Renter’s Insurance is one of the most under utilized forms of financial protection available on the market. However, it is becoming more important daily and, thankfully, it is quite inexpensive. The typical policy runs about $15 or $20 per month and, when researching this article, we found policies as low as $4 per month (but there are restrictions so continue to read on).

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